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An introduction to Ketogenic diet

 An introduction to Ketogenic diet

At its core, Ketogenic diet is a form of diet that causes the body to release ketone in your bloodstream. The cells in human body prefer sugar, which usually comes from carbohydrates as its main source energy. Therefore, when there is no circulating blood sugar from food, our body start to break down stored fat called ketone bodies in the process called ketosis. Once our body reaches ketosis, most of our cells will use ketone bodies to generate more energy until we consume carbohydrate again. This change from using glucose to break down stored fat as energy source mostly happens in 2 to 4 days when your carbohydrates intake were lower than 20 to 50 grams per day. However this process is might varied according to the individual and some people require more restricted diet before their bodies could produce enough ketones.

Due to it lacks of carbohydrates, Ketogenic diet require its practitioner to consume more proteins or fats. This diet usually consist of plenty of meats, eggs, processed meats, fish, sausages, seeds, oils, butter, nuts and vegetables that high in fiber. Due to its high restriction, Ketogenic diet is very hard to follow in the long run. This also happens because carbohydrates normally account for at least 50% of the common American diet. This diet also criticized because many people tend to consume too much protein and low-quality fats from processed foods and very few fruits and vegetables. In addition to that, patients with kidney disease need to be more careful because this diet could make their condition worse. Moreover some practitioners may feel a little tired at the beginning of their diet, while some other practitioners may experience bad breath, nausea, vomiting, and constipation and even sleep problems.

All in all, like any other forms of diet, Ketogenic diet have its upside and downside. It is recommended to understand your own health condition or consulting to doctor before attempting this diet.

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