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The Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet.


The Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet.

Mediterranean diet is a form of diet which is inspired by the eating habits of people in Italy and Greece in 1960s. The core ideas of this diet include proportional high of olive oil, fruits, vegetables, legumes and unrefined cereals, medium to high consumption of fish, moderate wine consumption, medium consumption of diary product and little consumption of non-fish meat. The consumption of olive oil has been researched as a potential health factor that could reduce all-cause mortality and the risk of chronic diseases.

In addition to that, some observational studies show that Mediterranean diet is linked with a reduction in all-cause mortality. Some evidence also shows that Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of early death and heart disease. However a 2019 review considers the evidence as low quality and uncertain. Mediterranean diet is recommended by American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association as a healthy diet choice that may decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases and type-2 diabetes. In addition to that, Mediterranean diet may also beneficial for overweight people to help them lose weight.2015-2020 US Dietary Guidelines also list Mediterranean diet as one of three recommended healthy diets. This list also includes the DASH diet.

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