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Beginner Introduction to flexitarian diet

 Beginner Introduction to flexitarian diet

Flexitarian diet is a diet designed by dietitian, Dawn Jackson Blatner. She wanted to help people experience the benefits of vegetarian while still allowed to consume animal-derived product in moderation. The name of the diet itself, flexitarian, comes from flexible and vegetarian. Which means, that flexitarian diet is a more flexible version of vegetarian? However since flextarians still enjoy meat, this diet cannot be considered vegetarians. 

Vegetarians diet usually eliminate meat and (depend on the variation) other animal-derived products, while the more extreme form of it, vegans remove all animal-derived products from their diet.

Nowadays, some people even consider flexitarian to be a healthier option compared to regular vegetarian diet. However, for those who avoid eating meat for moral or ethical reason, flexitarian diet may not be good for you. But it is good option for those who want to add plant-based food in their diet.

There are no clear-cut rules or recommended calories and macronutrients intake in flexitarian diet. This makes flexitarian diet more like a lifestyle than a diet.

Dawn Jackson Blatner, the creator of the flexitarian diet, explains how to start flexitarian diet by still including certain amounts of meat per week in her book. But following her recommendations is not required to begin flexitarian diet. Moreover, the practitioner of this diet may varied depend on the people, with some practitioner may consume more animal-products than others.

Overall, instead of removing meat entirely, flexitarian diet aim to add more nutritious plant based food in your diet whle at the same time eats less meat.

To conclude, flexitarian diet is semi-vegetarian eating style that encourages more plant based foods and eats less meat. It has no specific rules pr suggestions. This makes it an appealing option for people who want to reduce their animal-derived products consumption.

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