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Beginner introduction to weight watchers diet.

Beginner introduction to weight watchers diet.

Weight Watchers is currently one of the most popular programs in the world in term of weight-loss. Millions of people have joined this program to help them lose weight. In 2017, Weight Watchers have over 600 thousands new subscribers. Even popular celebrities like Oprah Winfrey have found success in following the weight-loss program.

Weight Watchers is founded by Jean Nidetch in her home in Queens, New York, back in 1963. This program started as weekly weight-loss group attended by her friends. Since then Weight Watchers grew to become one of the most popular diet-plans in the world.

At first, Weight Watchers used an exchange system in which foods were counted based on servings. This system is similar to diabetes exchange system.

In the 1990s, Weight Watchers started to implement point-based system. This system assigns points to foods and drinks according to their fat, fiber and calorie contents.

Throughout the years, Weight Watchers has improved their point-based systems several times. In 2015 they introduce SamrtPoints system.

SmartPoints gives different points to food according to several factors such as calorie, protein, fat and sugar contents.

When starting the program, beginner will be given a set amount of daily points according to their fitness data like their height, gender, age and their weight loss goals.

Even though there are no restrictions in their food choice, practitioner of Weight Watcher must keep their daily food & drinks bellow their set daily points in order to achieve their desired weight. Foods that are considered healthier have lower points compared to unhealthy foods. An example of this practice is a 230-calorie, glazed-yeast donut have 10 SmartPoints, while healthier foods such as 230-calorie of yogurt with blueberries and granola only has 2 SmartPoints.

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