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Common Questions About Attempting Intermittent Fasting

Common questions about attempting intermittent fasting.

Below are the most commons question about intermittent fasting followed by answer.

1. Is it permissible to drink liquids the fasting period of intermittent fasting?
Drinking liquids is permissible such as Water, coffee, tea and other beverages as long as it's calorie-free. Milk or cream may be okay in small amounts. In addition to that, drinking coffee can be useful during fasting period because it can blunt hunger. 

2. Isn't skipping breakfast is not healthy?
No. skipping breakfast is not unhealthy. The problem that most stereotypical breakfast skippers have is their unhealthy lifestyle. As long as you make sure to consume healthy food in your eating period, intermittent fasting is quite healthy.

3. Is it permissible to take supplements while fasting?
Yes, it is permissible however some supplements is better to be consume when taken with meals.

4. Is it okay to work out during fasting period?
Yes, workouts while fasting are fine. However some people recommend taking BCAAs or branched-chain amino acids before doing a fasted workout. Many BCAA products are available at Amazon.

5. Could Intermittent fasting cause muscle loss?
Every weight loss methods may cause muscle for its practitioner. Therefore, it is important to maintain your protein intake high and keep doing workout that could maintain your muscle like weight lifting. Moreover, a study shows that practicing intermittent fasting result in less muscle loss compared to regular calorie restriction.

6. Does Intermittent fasting slow down my metabolism?
No. on the contrary, short-term fasts can boost metabolism. But, longer fasts such as 3 or more days can suppress metabolism.

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