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Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting.

 Health Benefits of intermittent fasting.

There are many studies that have been done about Intermittent fasting in both humans and animals subject. These studies shows that Intermittent fasting can have powerful benefits to control weight and for the health of your brain and body. It may even help the practitioner to live longer.

Below are the main health benefits that people could expect from intermittent fasting:

1. Weight loss: It is the obvious benefit of intermittent fasting. It can help you lose weight and belly fat without the need to overly conscious about your calorie intake or limiting yourself to particular food.

2. Insulin resistance: The second benefit of intermittent fasting is reducing insulin resistance, reducing blood sugar by 3 to 6 percent and lowering insulin levels by 20 to 31 percent. This change in insulin could protect against type 2 diabetes.

3. Inflammation: Some studies on intermittent fasting discover reductions in markers of inflammation. Inflammation itself could lead to many chronic diseases.

4. Hearth Health: The .next benefit that people could expect is improvement in their heart health. Intermittent fasting may reduce bad LDL cholesterol, blood sugar, inflammatory markers and insulin resistance. All of these are risk factors that can cause heart disease.

5. Reduce Cancer risk: Studies on animal show that practicing intermittent fasting may prevent cancer.

6. Brain Health: Practicing intermittent fasting could alter body hormone in positive ways. One of them is increasing the brain hormone BDNF and may help the growth of new nerve cells. Intermittent fasting may also protect against Alzheimer's disease.

7. Anti-aging: A study on rats shows that intermittent fasting could extend rats' lifespan. These studies showed that fasted rats lived 36 to 83 percent longer.

Despite the benefits mentioned above we need to keep in mind that research is still on its early stages. Many of the research were small, short-term or conducted in animals as the subject. There are many questions that is not yet answered in higher quality human studies.

To conclude, Intermittent fasting can have many benefits for human's body and brain. It is beneficial for weight loss, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, preventing heart disease and cancer. Moreover, it may even help you live longer

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