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Introduction to Intermittent Fasting

 Introduction to Intermittent Fasting

In short, intermittent fasting can be described as an eating pattern that alternate between periods of fasting and period of eating. Unlike other method of diet Intermittent fasting doesn't dictate about what food you should eat but rather about when you should eat them.

This characteristic is what makes Intermittent fasting closer to be described as an eating pattern rather than diet in conventional way.

Typical intermittent fasting methods are a daily fast for 16-hour or 24 hours fast 2 times per week.

Throughout human evolution, fasting has been a practice. Ancient hunter-gatherers society doesn't have the privilege of supermarkets, refrigerators and the availability of food year-round and sometimes they could not even find anything to eat. This results in human ability to be able to function without eating for extended periods of time. This also make fasting from time to time is closer to human nature than always eating 3-4 meals per day.

Throughout the world, fasting is also often done for religious or spiritual reasons, major religion such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism have fasting element.

In conclusion, intermittent fasting can be described as an eating pattern that alternate between periods of fasting and eating. Moreover, this method is also currently popular in the health and fitness community.

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