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Introduction to MIND diet.

Introduction to MIND diet.

MIND diet is a diet that is designed to reduce the decline in brain health. The word MIND in MIND diet stands for Mediterranean-Dash Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. This diet was designed by Martha Clare Morris. She is a nutritional epidemiologist at Rush University Medical Center.

The development of this diet is funded by the National Institute on Aging and was published online on February 2015. As the name suggest, MIND diet is a combination of DASH and Mediterranean diet, which are two proven diets method. When combining the two, this diet emphasize on foods from DASH and Mediterranean that specifically effect brain health and may lower the risk of mental decline based on initial research. 

Even though there is no definite way to prevent Alzheimer's disease, eating healthy mainstays such as leafy greens, berries and nuts may reduce the risk of developing the progressive brain disorder.

The study have found that the MIND diet reduce Alzheimer's risk by 35% for moderate MIND diet practitioner and further up to 53 percent for rigorous practitioner of MIND diet. Even though more study is needed to analyze the long-term effect of MIND diet. The designer team of this diet notes that MIND diet is superior to both DASH diet and Mediterranean diet in preventing mental decline.

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