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Potential negative effects of vegetarian diet.

Potential negative effects of vegetarian diet.

Following a good and well-designed vegetarian diet can be healthy and nutritious. But, followers of vegetarian diet are increasing their risk of nutritional deficiencies by abstaining from meat. This happen because meat, poultry and fish provide a good amount of protein and omega-3 fatty acids and micronutrients like zinc, vitamin B12, selenium and iron. In addition to that, other animal-derived-products such as eggs and diary also provide lots of calcium, B vitamins and vitamin D.

Therefore, when removing meat and other animal products from your diet, it is important to find alternatives that to make sure that your body is supplied with these essential nutrients.

Some studies also show that vegetarians have higher risk of protein, iron, calcium, iodine and vitamin B12 deficiencies. Deficiency in these important micronutrients can cause symptoms like weakness, anemia, fatigue, and bone loss and thyroid issues.

To resolve these issues it is important to include different mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein sources and fortified foods in your diet. This is an easy way to make sure that your body are suplied with the appropriate nutrition. Consuming multivitamins and supplements are also a good option to compensate your nutrient intake and prevent potential deficiencies.

To summarize, removing meat and animal-derived products can increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies. A good and well-designed vegetarian diet is important to prevent deficiencies along with supplements and multivitamins.

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