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Short introduction to vegetarian diet.

Short introduction to vegetarian diet.

Vegetarian diet has become widely popular in the last years. Aside from the moral and environmental benefits of not eating meat, a good and well-planned vegetarian diet may also decrease your risk of chronic disease, improve your diet's quality and help you losing weight.

Generally, vegetarian diet can be described as a form of diet that advocate it practitioner to remove meat, poultry and fish from their diet. People often practice vegetarian diet for religious or personal reasons. Some people also become vegetarian for ethical issues, such as animal rights. There are also people who decide to follow vegetarian diet because environmental reasons. The production of livestock increase greenhouse emissions that contribute to climate change. In addition to that, it also consumes large amounts of water, natural resources and energy.

Vegetarianism is not only limited to one form. There are several type of vegetarianism with each of them have different restrictions. The most popular forms are listed below:

1. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet: The follower of this form of vegetarianism remove meat, fish and poultry from their diet but still consume eggs and dairy products.

2. Lacto-vegetarian diet: Similar with the previous type, this diet also removes meat, fish, and poultry and allows dairy product. However this diet also removes eggs.

3. Ovo-vegetarian diet: This form of vegetarian diet remove meat, poultry, fish and dairy products but allow eggs consumption.

4. Pescetarian diet: The followers of this diet do not eat meat and poultry but allows consumption of fish and sometimes eggs and dairy products.

5. Vegan diet : The follower of this diet abstain themselves from consuming any products that is derived from animals. This includes meat, fish poultry, eggs, dairy products and honey.

6. Flexitarian diet: a looser form of vegetarian compared to the previous diets. This diet is mostly vegetarian but allows occasional meat, fish or poultry consumption.

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