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Side effects of intermittent fasting that you should be careful of

Side effects of intermittent fasting that you should be careful of

Obviously, Hunger is the main side effect of intermittent fasting. Another thing that you might experience is feeling weak and your brains do not perform as well as you're used to. However, this may only temporary because your body need some time to adapt to the new meal schedule.

For people with medical condition, it is important to consult to their doctor before practicing intermittent fasting.For these particular conditions, consultation with doctor is highly recommended:

1. Diabetes

2. Problems with blood sugar regulation.

3. Low blood pressure or hypotension.

4. Taking medications.

5. Have lower bodyweight than their ideal / underweight

6. Have eating disorders or have experience it in the past

7. Woman that have experience amenorrhea in the past

8. Pregnant woman or currently breastfeeding.

9. A woman who’s currently trying to conceive.

However, despite the side effect mentioned above intermittent fasting has very good safety profile. There is no danger in temporarily not eating if you're well-nourished and healthy individual.

To conclude, the most common side effect when practicing intermittent fasting is hunger. In addition to that, people that have certain medical conditions should avoid intermittent fasting without consulting a doctor first.

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