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Tips for Taking Your Blood Pressure at Home

Taking a blood pressure at home inaddition to getting it taken at your  doctor's, office can give you and your care team valuable information to help you stay healthy when taking your blood pressure you'll need a blood pressure machine with an arm cuff a log sheet and a pen or pencil to write down your readings and a quiet place where you can have about 10 minutes to yourself.

before you get started make sure you use the bathroom if you need to so you're comfortable don't smoke drink caffeinated beverages or exercise 30 minutes before taking your blood pressure rest for five minutes before taking your first reading so you're relaxed this can make your reading more accurate.

Now that you're ready sit with both feet flat on the floor with your back supported by a chair rest your arm on a table or other flat surface with the palm of your hand facing up place the blood pressure cuff directly on your bare arm not over clothing put the bottom of the cuff about a quarter or half inch above your elbow line check that the air tube on the cuff is coming out of the edge closest to your elbow line make sure the cuff isn't too tight  or too loose around your arm you should be able to slip two fingers between the cuff and your skin press the start button remember not to talk or cross your legs until the reading is done once the machine has finished taking your reading write down the results on your log sheet the best to take two or three readings on the same arm with one minute between readings down each reading on your log sheet keeping track of your blood pressure log and sharing it with your doctor and care team can help us make better care choices together you

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