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Who should avoid intermittent fasting

Who should avoid intermittent fasting

As a lifestyle and a form of diet, intermittent fasting is clearly not for everyone. For underweight people or for those with history of eating disorders, a consultation with health professional is important before starting intermittent fasting. Because instead of gaining the benefits of intermittent fasting, it can be quite harmful for them.

In terms of gender, there is some evidence indicate that intermittent fasting may not be as beneficial for women as it benefit men. An example of this is a study that showed intermittent fasting improved insulin sensitivity in men's body but worsened blood sugar control in women's body.

Another study that is done on rats as the subject (human studies are not available) show that intermittent fasting can cause female rats emaciated, masculinized and even infertile.There are also several anecdotal reports of women whose menstrual period stopped when they start practicing intermittent fasting but went back to normal after they resume their previous eating pattern.

For the reasons mentioned above, women should be careful when practicing intermittent fasting.Women should follow separate guideline such as easing the practice and immediately stop intermittent fasting if they experience problems like absence of menstruation (amenorrhea).

For women who have issues with fertility or trying to conceive, consider to holding off on practicing intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is also not good for pregnant women or breastfeeding.

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