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Why intermittent fasting is very powerful weight loss tool

 Why intermittent fasting is very powerful weight loss tool

Weight loss is the most common reason people attempting intermittent fasting. Obviously, by making the practitioner eat fewer meals, practicing intermittent fasting result in automatic reduction of calorie intake. Moreover, Intermittent fasting also changes the body's hormone levels to facilitate weight loss. This happen because in addition to reducing insulin and increase growth hormone levels, intermittent fasting cause the release of norepinephrine, a fat burning hormone. Due to this change in hormones, short-term fasting could increase your metabolic rate by 3.6 % to 14%.

By helping its practitioner eat less and burn more calories, intermittent fasting causes weight loss both sides. In addition to that, studies also show that practicing intermittent fasting can be a very powerful tool for weight loss.

A review study from 2014 discovers that this eating pattern can result in 3-8 % weight loss in 3 to 24 weeks, which is a significant number in comparison to most weight loss studies. This study also reveals that the practitioner of intermittent fasting also lost 4 to 7 percent of their waist circumference. This indicates a significant reduction of harmful belly fat that builds up around your organs and can cause disease. Different study also reveals that the practice of intermittent fasting causes lower muscle loss compared to the more standard method of regular calorie restriction.

Nonetheless, practitioner need to keep in mind that the main reason for its weight loss success is due to intermittent fasting helps you eat fewer calories. Therefore if the practitioner eats massive amounts of calories during their eating period, they may not experience any weight loss at all.

To conclude Intermittent fasting could slightly boost metabolism while help the practitioner to eat fewer calories. This method is very effective for weight loss and reduces belly fat.

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