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Sleep Keeps You Healthy

 Sleep Keeps You Healthy

Sleep benefits should not be underrated. A growing body of evidence suggests that sleep is even more important to a healthy life than was previously thought.

There are many different ailments that may result from a lack of sleep. Not getting enough sleep has been linked to everything from early onset diabetes to cardiovascular disease. A lack of sleep has even been linked to certain types of cancer. You not only deserve a good night’s rest, but your body’s health will benefit both in the short and long term.

Sleep Prevents Weight Gain

An important benefit of sleep is that it helps people keep the weight off. One study concluded that less than five hours of sleep was associated with weight gain and obesity.

Safe Driving

The quality of sleep even affects your driving. Recent research suggests that driving while drowsy may be as dangerous as driving while drunk. For your safety and that of your family and the other people on the road, getting enough ZZZs at night will help you travel safely to your destinations the next day.

Sleep Keeps Skin Wrinkles Away

A lack of sleep has been associated with more facial wrinkles. This may be because skin rejuvenates itself when one gets a good amount of sleep. Without this time to rest, skin can become loose, the color can become distorted, and lines can form around the eyes and cheeks.

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